Friday, September 30, 2022

Weekly Top for 9-30-22


Thanks for participating this week! -

Thanks for participating this week in Spirit week!  I know the kids get a kick out of seeing us join them in this!  The yearbook team has some great pictures from the week!

Luncheon Today-

Enjoy your chili lunch today courtesy of the office staff!

Tonight by Midnight-

Last reminder that tonight by midnight the SafeSchools PD is due. Login issues are an email/call to Megan Dongvillo. 

Here is the way to log in :

Username: firstname.lastname

Meeting on Monday-  

The UPTO will present from 3:00-3:10 in the media center.  You will then go back to your classrooms for a PD session on seizures via a webinar from 3:15-4:00 PM.  This is something that could happen in a classroom or hallway.  

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 814315

Count Day Next Wednesday -

Count Day in the State of Michigan is next Wednesday, October 5th.  On this day you will enter either a P (Present) or A (Absent).  We will not enter T's (Tardies) on this day.  Thanks in advance!  We will have to call into classrooms (if a few haven't taken attendance) or an all call (if many have not taken attendance) each hour.

Learn By Heart -

Each day, our school staff make a difference in the lives of children. They teach them how to read, serve them lunch, safely transport them to and from school and make sure their learning environment is clean and welcoming. They prepare our students for successful careers and life after the classroom. They challenge students to reach their greatest potential and support them every step of the way. These superheroes make a tremendous difference, and for that, our community would like to say, "Thank you!" Join us as we celebrate the hard work and dedication of everyone on our staff by supporting the Learn by Heart campaign.

The Learn by Heart campaign is designed to increase the awareness of the dedication of our educators. The focus of the campaign will be to highlight relationships between educators, students, parents, and community members through stories. In the coming months, we will be sharing those stories with you to showcase our educators, who serve as the lifeblood that makes the district beat. Do you have a story to share? Simply send your story background, participant names, relevant pictures and any pertinent information including quotes and specific story elements to Kristen Bawks at

"Pun" Image of the week-

Quote of the week -

Have a great weekend,