Friday, June 9, 2023

Weekly Top for 6-9-23 (Last one of the school year!)


Thanks so Much -

I just wanted to write a short thank you for all that you do!  Many of you put in 60+ hour weeks, gave unconditional love to your students, poured into your lesson plans, and countless hours giving feedback to students.  You have earned your break and I hope that you enjoy time with your family, doing what you love, relaxing, and recharging!  Amongst the many blessings in my life the staff at Upton Middle School is a part of that list!  They say it takes a village and the village of UMS is quite an awesome one!  Thanks for all you do for kids!  

2 Family Members -

Thanks so much to the wonderful social committee for all you did on Wednesday for Kathy and Susan! I also loved all the great accolades that folks spoke about each of this fantastic ladies! Each time a part of the family departs it leaves a void and these two ladies will be dearly missed.  We wish them both the very best and we all know that the best is yet to come for both Kathy and Susan!  Enjoy!!!!!!

Laptops, Chargers, and Cases -

Please remember the following today:

EOY Device Collection Checklist - Directions for collection

2023 Master Chromebook Check-in - Spreadsheet for recording all incoming items

Red Binders -

Please make sure your red binder is your mailbox in the office before you depart for the school year.  Thanks!

Grades Due -

Grades are due by Monday, June 12th at 4:00 PM.  You have to submit 4th MP and semester 2 (some Semester 2 Exam).  

Friday Funny -

Quote to end the year -

Enjoy your summer,

Friday, June 2, 2023

Weekly Top for 6-2-23


8th grade Farewell Tonight-

For those teachers attending tonight we will be sitting on the end of rows in the auditorium.  If you are speaking/presenting this will make it easier to get to the stage.  We are asking the kids to arrive at 6:10-6:15 PM.  If you could help (as you always do) we will be proceeding in from the two rear entrances and marching down into the seats.  Our goal is 7:45 PM.  (We will see?)

Seniors Today -

Our senior class is due to arrive sometime around 10:50-11:10 AM.  When our seniors arrive we will line the halls for a clap-around.  This is during lunch/advisory/BEAR time.  The clap-around will start in the cafeteria and wind down the halls going pass the flagpole hallway and then turning right in front of the office going counterclockwise. It will be at the end of advisory/start of BEAR time (8th grade) so we will just be flexible for this wonderful occasion!

Tuesday Advisory -

During Tuesday's advisory students will be doing their locker clean out.  Each advisory teacher just make sure that the locker looks close to being summer ready.  I know looking at 17 lockers all over the building will be time consuming, but just do the best you can. 

Laptop Collection -

We will be doing laptop & charger collection during 6th hour on Friday, June 9th.  A spreadsheet will have the student's first name, last name, student ID, etc.  The laptops will then be brought to the media center in stacks on the shelves.  As kindergarten screening will take place in the media center the week of June 12th-16th.  We will be able to tell from the spreadsheets what is missing.  You will be shared the spreadsheet soon.

Bus Riders Next Friday -

Thanks so much for riding a bus next week!  We have two folks per bus which makes it very helpful to the transportation department! It has been huge in cutting down on nonsense the last day tremendously!

1/2 Days Next Week -

Wednesday will be a full day for staff with the staff retirement celebration for Susan and Kathy beginning at 12:30 PM.   Thursday and Friday are comp afternoons for you for the extra hours this school year.

Educator of the Week -

Speaking of Kathy...Congratulations!

Take Home -

If you have furniture in your room that is not SJPS please do not leave this in the classroom.  We want the cleaning process to be easier for the guys this summer.  Also take home any coffee makers, etc. from your backroom.

Refrigerators Emptied -

Please take anything you may have in either refrigerator in the staff lounge by Monday, June 12th at 3:00 PM.  Tuesday, June 13th in the morning both refrigerators will be emptied for the summer.

Red Sub Binder -

Please make sure you turn your red sub binder into Laura next week at some point.

Busy Summer at Upton Middle School -

Our building will be used a ton this summer due to elementary air conditioning being installed.  As mentioned in an email earlier this week, your classroom could be used by some group/class this summer.  

Friday Funny -

Quote of the week -

Have a good Friday and weekend,